Built-up of Harmful substances and Hazardous Waste.

Built-up harmful substance and hazardous waste 


   Chemicals are a part of everyday life over 100000 different substances are in use and provide employment trade and economic growth worldwilde .
there is no single economic sector where Chemicals do not play an important role however Chemicals also have the potential to harm human health and the environment, if not managed properly.

      people are exposed through occupational activities as well as in daily life through drinking contaminated water , eating contaminated food ,(example fish contaminated with Mercury, DDT and / as PCBs), breathing polluted air (outdoor as will as Indoor),and through direct skin contact.

    the health related efforts range from acute poisoning to long term effect,  search has cancer,birth defects , neurological disorders and hormone disruption. 


     Environmental effects range from effects on sensitive species ecosystems, large-scale issues such entrophication of water  bodies and stratospheric ozone depletion. chemical contamination in wilde spred both on land and in water.

  increases in global production , trade and use of chemicals makes the problem of chemicals and the hazardous waste management even greater. proper segregation treatment and disposal of hazardous waste is extremely important.


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