
Showing posts with the label Environment

Major trends in Biodiversity change.

The biosphere has been transformed because of human actions                All   ecosystems have been drastically modified. changes in biological diversity   have been more Rapid in the past 50 years, then that any times in human history.    More Land was converted to crop lands in the year 30 years ,after 1950 then in the 150 years between 1700 and 1850.    Between 1960 and 2000, Reservoir storage capacity Quadrupled and as a result the amount of water stored behind large dams is estimated to be 3 to 6 times the amount of water flowing through rivers at any one time.    some 35% of mangroves have been lost in the last two decades in some of the countries.  already 20% of know coral reefs have been destroyed and another 20% degraded in the last several decades.       At present, the the fastest changes in in ecosystems are taking place in the developing countries however industrial...

What is Climate change?

What is Climate change?       Climate change is considered to be the most significant problem related to changes in the atmosphere being faced by humankind.  the  the socioeconomic impacts of Climate Change are likely to be very large.      Emissions of Co2 and other greenhouse gases due to human activities are the leading cause of contemporary climatic changes .  the most important contributor of Co2 is the use of fossil fuels 2000 - 2009 is the warmest decade on record . the greatest warming over the past century is in the Arctic region.             Now a days we very often talk about changed weather pattern particularly erratic rains, severe summers or very cold winters as also Storms and hurricanes.    most of the our discussions end up with a remark that all this is due to climate change . but we must see observely , if all such occurrence should be  ascribed to phen...

Built-up of Nitrogen - : blog on nature

Built up of Nitrogen :- blog on nature.                         Nitrogen is not toxic. nitrogen is essential to all forms of life. it is present in the atmosphere and in our bodies.   the problem now is the excess deposition in the atmosphere and water systems. a major reason is the application of fertilizers.  only portion applied in fields is actually used in plant growth. the excess is washed off into inland waters and coastal systems.      excess nitrogen changes the structure of ecosystems a few species that respond positively to Excess nitrogen thrive, while other species disappear Europhication of water bodies is one example of how how wetlands change with excess nitrogen . in the the netherlands , type of shurb habitat called 'heathlands' have changed into glass lands with low species diversity because of excess nitrogen deposition .    the demand of for fertilizer...