What is Bio Diversity loss? :- (Blogs on nature)
What is Bio Diversity Loss ? :- (Blogs on nature)
food provision for a growing population has meant that there has been large scale conversation of natural habits to agriculture.
around 43% of typical and the subtropical dry and monsoon forests and 45% of temperature broadleaf and the mixed forests ,globally have been converted to croplands ,while mangrove ecosystem have been converted to coastal agriculture.
our roads and other infrastructure such has irrigation canals ,which are seen has essential for agriculture development ,tend to dissect the landscape and this this hinders the free Movement of wildlife and the dissemination of plant species.
where our food provisions is form wide sources, overeploitation and the certain finishing particles can have major impacts on species composition. overexploitatation is the leading threat to the world's marine fish. overfishing affects not only the target species but also habitats, food Webs, and non target species. high impact fishing including bottom trawling, long lining , gill netting and dynamite fishing causes damage to the biodiversity of sensitive habits , such as cold water reefs, tropical coral reefs ,and seamounts, and to migratory seabirds.
currently 250 mammal species , 262 Birds species and 79 amphibian species are listed as threatened due to overexploitation for food. in some groups of species and in some extra ecosystem ,over exploitation is a particular serious threat.
currently 250 mammal species , 262 Birds species and 79 amphibian species are listed as threatened due to overexploitation for food. in some groups of species and in some extra ecosystem ,over exploitation is a particular serious threat.
In part of South Asia for example ,almost all species of tour place and story stills are in serious turtles and tortoises are in serious decline as a result of harvesting for human composition and for medical purpose.in some cases over exploitation of plants , particularly medicinal plants, is also threatening many populations.
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